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Book Your Next Massage Online

We are excited to now offer ONLINE BOOKING for 1 hour massage therapy services. Please click the link to book your next appointment.

Massage Therapy

In our clinic, we believe that massage therapy is complimentary to chiropractic care and both are very important parts of a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies work best when our muscles are relieved from tension and stress. Massage therapy is helpful with many things, including the following:

  • Alleviating lower back pain and improving range of motion
  • Assisting in achieving shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers
  • Easing medication dependence
  • Enhancing immunity by stimulating lymph flow (the body’s natural defense system)
  • Exercising and stretching weak, tight or atrophied muscles
  • Improving the condition of the body’s largest organ – the skin
  • Increasing joint flexibility
  • Lessening depression and/or anxiety
  • Promoting tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and/or stretch marks
  • Improving circulation
  • Reducing spasms and cramping
  • Relaxing and softening injured, tired or overused muscles
  • Relieving migraine pain


Respectfully understand that scheduling an appointment involves a reservation of time specifically for you, therefore, we require a minimum of 48 hours notice if cancelling or rescheduling.